Buying Military Memorabilia War Memorabilia

We buy from all over the World .

At German Dagger we buy historic memorabilia from every time period. We’re always buying all types of weapons, trench art, military photo albums, uniforms, helmets, military letters, military scrapbooks etc, etc . We are enthusiastic militaria buyers with an interest in all conflicts. If you wish to sell something today please feel free to give us a call. Otherwise, +447860747027 Email

We BUY from YOU!

We are always buying!

We pay competitive prices

We are buyers of all military collectibles & memorabilia.

When you have military memorabilia to sell consider the following . By our policy of paying you fair prices you will be satisfied and return to sell to us. We want all our customers to recommend us to their friends and family.

 We will reward you as agents if we profit from your introductions and recommendations .

We are avid buyers in the international marketplace. We happily pay above current market price for items which come with supported family history (Provenance) . When our offers are accepted and we reach agreement we are responsible for the shipping, safety , and any international duty due . You have become a successful seller who we hope to hear from again should other items surface

What are you selling?

1933-1945, A BETTER PRICE FOR YOUR COLLECTION, Antique Blades, Army Daggers, Daggers, S.A.Daggers, Second Opinion Militaria, Sell Military Collections, Selling German Helmets, Selling German Swords, Selling Nazi Daggers In Canada, Selling weapons for cash, Selling your collection of military badges (Militaria), WW2 US American BuyerMuseums set to buy Medals and Militaria with veteran provenece, Naval War Badges, Nazi Banner, Never Sell Militaria At Auction, No. 4 Mk. II “Spike” bayonet, orders and decorations, Parachute cap badge, Pickehaube Prices, Pickelhauben Pickelhaube, R.A.F. Flying Jacket, R.A.F.Oxygen Mask, RAF FLYING, RAF Medal research, RAF Pilots Log Book, Red Cross Daggers, Robert klaas solingen, Royal artillery Cap Badge, Sell Military Collections, Selling a militaria Collection, Selling militaria at auction, Selling Nazi Badges Online, Selling swords, Selling Your Militaria Collection Within The Law—No commentsPublished2018/10/19Select GERMAN DAGGER DEALERS OFFICIAL SITE“GERMAN DAGGER DEALERS OFFICIAL SITE” is lockedGERMAN DAGGER DEALERS OFFICIAL SITEEdit | Quick Edit | Trash | ViewadminNPEA, R.A.D.Daggers, R.L.B.Daggers, RAILWAY DAGGERS, Red Cross Daggers, rlb 1st patter enlisted, Solingen, Solingen-Obligs, Spang for Iron Cross EK1, SS dagger Cash Buyers U.S.A., SS Dagger specialists, ss helmet valuation, SS Long Service Award, symbolism of the NAZIs, T.E.N.O., Tank Battle Badge, the militaria dealers, U.K.Deactivated Gun Dealers, Uncategorized, Valuation Of Helmets, WAFFEN-LOESCHE, Wasserschutzpolizei, ww2 leather flying helmet, WW2 leather Helmet, ww2 servicemen, WW2 US American Buyer, ww2 whermachct Dolch,