Sell/Cosign Your Items to Us

We are always on the hunt for German daggers and items of historic militaria !

We buy a high volume of items paying you directly more than you might expect!

the hunt for German

 You will find our communications  friendly informative, and professional.


Sudetenland in 1938

Our offers/valuations are free of charge.

Nazi navy dagger


We purchase single items or entire collections.

ethical investment groups

We do buy from dealers and advanced collectors however our reputation for buying directly from veterans families is note worthy . 


Militaria dealer

We buy most things related to militaria, We can sell for you on a consignment basis should you have time to spare and a desire to achieve closer to retail prices.


Carl Eickhorn solingen

Mehr sein als scheinen

 Sometimes it can seem hard to sell items relating to the sensitive subject of Nazi Germany.

offensive(Nazi) sales

Ebay the on line auction. and more recently “I offer “, are not alone with their policy of  banning potentially offensive(Nazi) sales.


  We offer genuine sellers the following reassurances of the likely destination for their war souvenirs.

Nazi Postal Protection Dagger

We only supply academics ,museums ,and ethical investment groups.

Never would allow the items we purchase contribute to the cause of any hate groups.

Free Valuation of German Swords & Sabers

If you do not have time to wait around for an item to sell on consignment contact us for an immediate direct offer. You can expect to receive 65% of the prices dealers are asking on current websites .