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 Deutsche Polizei |
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 Nazi Artifact
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Max Show 2017
We buy from literally hundreds of dealers and collectors worldwide including the major advertisers on the internet today .Because we buy for long term investment groups the purchase price is less crytical for us. Before you accept what you are told is a ” fair price” for your dagger obtain a second opinion, Max Show 2017 Whether selling one WW2 dagger or an entire collection of WW2 Military Collectibles, GDb.com would like the opportunity to make you the most competitive offer.
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Max Show 2025
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Mr David Mattey (buyer)
What is an S.A.Dagger?
(Written by David Mattey 27.4.12) Max Show 2017
The S.A. Dagger was worn as a symbol of authority by members of Hitler’s Sturmabteilung
(SA)(Storm Detachment)
A thuggish street army first raised in 1921 to fight communist party supporters during political demonstrations. The S.A. or “Brown Shirts” grew to a membership of 3,000,000 men by the late 1930’s. Huge quantities of daggers were produced to accommodate this political army and in so doing revitalised the ancient blade industry of Solingen. The weapon takes the form of a Gothic dagger similar in design to one featured in a painting by Hans Holbein. These “Holbein Daggers” were initially produced with hand-fitted nickel mounts and exotic fruitwood grips The steel scabbards. had a lacquered brown anodized finish, The blade was etched with the SA motto, Alles für Deutschland. Examples made prior to 1935 were stamped with the German sector of the SA group on reverse lower crossguard. Later examples underwent standardization through the RZM ministry. These pieces were produced utilising cheaper plated zinc-based fittings and scabbards were brown spray painted. Non Ferrous metals were reserved for the armaments build up. Prior to his “unmasking” as a traitor?, Ernst Röhm was the leader of the SA. In 1934, he distributed approximately 100,000 SA daggers with his personal inscription on the reverse blade (Interestingly SS Daggers with the same inscription were issued). These daggers were to honor individuals who had served with the SA prior to December, 1931. Other than the inscription, these pieces were identical to the standard M 1933 SA dagger. After the Röhm purge an order to remove all inscriptions that bore his name was given. Many examples were returned to the factory for grinding. Others had the defecation erased in the field by whatever means were available. Examples will occasionally be encountered with remnants of the original inscription on the blade. Some blades exist with an intact inscription, reflecting only the removal of the Röhm signature. Very rarely is an example seen with a full, untouched inscription, as the holder would have risked a charge of treason.
Background information
Max Show 2017
on the German Army (Heer) Dagger
(Written by David Mattey)
The German army dagger came into being in 1935. It was an element of dress that enabled rank to be identified and was less cumbersome to wear than swords which became confined to wear on state occasions or on the parade ground. The design, as with many daggers of the period was by Paul Casburg .
Army Dagger Grips
The grip took a tubular form having consentric spiral grooves lacking the adornment of grip wire to be seen on other models. The early grips were molded in solid polymer compounds in various colours. Ivory grips were avaliable at extra cost. By 1939 production tecniques changed .Grips were cast in plaster over a wood former then dipped in “Trollon” to achieve a
White plastic coated finnish
Army Dagger Cross Guard & Pommel
Initially crossguards were cast from brass, skilfilly chisled, silver plated ,toned,polished then lacquered. Over time these later gave way to cheaply produced castings culminating in the use of a dull grey zinc.
The obverse cross guard design depicted an eagle with outstreached wings holding a swastica within a wreath.The pommel which also acted as the sucuring nut tapererd from the top downward decorated all the way around with upstanding oak leaves rising from the grip to the pommel top.
Army Dagger Blades
The Army dagger blades were generally plain in design and around 26 cm in length. Some manufacturers plated blades however they are more frequently encountered with a horisontal “Cross Grain” Finnish. Etched presentation blades as well as Damascus steel examples are not unknown however such exotica should be veiwed with caution by todays collectors.
Army Dagger Scabbards Max Show 2017
The first 1935 Army dagger’s had heavy silver plating applied to the”pebble” decorated brass scabbard shells .From 1936 scabbards were produced in steel some with a nickle finish and late issues with the gray oxide finish.Fitted to the scabbard were two hanger suspension rings with oak leaf patterns onto which the hanging straps was clipped.
Hanging Straps & Knot Max Show 2017
Army Daggers were worn suspended on two hanger straps, united by a belt clip at the top. The silver braid faced straps were backed with field grey velvet . Oval buckles with oak leaf patterns and matching silvered slides.
A Silver 42-43 cm Knot or Portapee was worn tied around the dagger grip .
Army dagger production had ceased by mid 1943.
Notes on The First Model Luftwaffe Dagger
(Written By David Mattey)
Adopted in 1935 the wearing of the first pattern Luftwaffe Dagger was initially confined to pilot officers. Regulations were relaxed allowing n.c.o.s and higher ranks from all branches ot the service to wear the model. Manufacturers include Weyersburg, Alcoso, WKC, Klaas, EP&S, Herder, SMF, Tiger, Puma, Eickhorn,Gebr Heller, and Clemens & Jung. .
The fittings found on early models are of silver plated cast nickel with bronze swastica roundel inserts
Mid period models are found with zinc cast fittings and steel scabbard mounts
.later production fittings were fashioned in aluminum. perhaps to reflect the spirit of aircraft production? Some makers. Genuine examples that mix chains and fittings from different periods do exist.
Blades were usually plain in design with a silver plated finnish..These can be found with of without a trade mark Etched examples should be viewed with great caution. ,.The Scabbard shell was constructed of pressed steel with a fine blue Morocco leather covering. The spiral knopped grips were covered to match then adorned with twisted wires of various metal types.
The overall length is 48cm (18.9 inches).(First production scabbards have no shell and are characterised by wide staples securing the mounts.Makers found with D.L.V. type scabbards include Carl Eickhon and Gabriel Heller.
A brief history of the R.A.D.Hewer
(Written By David Mattey)Instituted in1934 the R.A.D.Hewer was robustly crafted to serve as both a working hatchet and to be worn as an emblem of authority on formal occasions. Paul Casburg based his design for the hewer on an antique woodman’s hatchet.These Antler griped Hewers measured forty cms overall .They had carbon steel blades etched with the RAD moto”Arbeit Adelt” (“Work Ennobles”) The scabbards were steel shells mounted with silvered nickel then later steel and alloy fittings. Celtic knot designs and a swastika within a spade flanked by ears of corn were impressed into the fittings. Fittings to the scabbard were toned with black shellac,oil glaze or cellulose paint ,polished back, then lacquered to achieve an antique look.The antler grip plates on early production Hewers retain the raw texture whilst later examples tend to have a smoother finish. A Scarce variation is the “Full Stag” in this early variation of the Hewer the handle lacks the metal ends to the pommel. They are instead covered by Antler. The Hewer was affixed to the enlisted man’s belt by a large leather hanger, variations of hangers exist as well as non regulation examples.Hewers were locally issued at Labour Corps battalion bases and were not available for private purchase .The RAD’s triangular proof mark is seen above the makers mark on hewers produced before 1936 production of the Hewer had finished by late 1942.Known Makers of the Rad Hewer. Include Carl Eickhorn. Boker.,Gottlieb Hammesfahr.W.K.C., Axt und Hauer fabrick.,Paul Weyersberg & Co.,Carl Julius Krebbs.Tiger. and Pumawerk,
Dagger Types
Dagger Types
SA 1933 EM(Value Down)
Average condition U.S $550 U.K £375 Investment Grade examples up to $800 U.K. £580

Teno EM Hewer Value
V.G. £1,475 $2000
Fine.£2000 $3000

Teno Officer +
SA Honor +
SA High Leader
Hunting Official –
SA Rohm EM –
Rifle Association
SA Rohm Chained
Hitler Youth Knife
feldenhaller +(Value Up)

Hitler Youth Leader
NSKK 1933 EM(Value Down)
NSKK 1936 Chained Dagger –
Land Customs +
NSKK High Leader +
Sea Customs +
£5,500 shown on the right hand side
SS 33 EM Dagger+
Water Protection
SS 1936 Chained Dagger
Imperial Navy
SS High Leader –
Up £950 $1600

SS Honor +
NPEA student
Luftwaffe 1(Value Hovering)
NPEA Leader
Luftwaffe 2 -(Value Down)
NPEA Chained
Navy 1
Navy 2(Value Down)
Postal protection-
Army Dagger -(Value Down)
Army Engraved Dagger +
DRK /Social Welfare Leader
£1,200 Shown on the left hand side
DLV knife –
RLB EM 1st model
DLV/Luft1 transitional+
RLB EM 2nd model
NSFK knife
RLB Officer 1st model
NSFK Dagger
£225 $300 
1st Railway-
Government Official
2nd Railway –
Diplomatic Officer
£6,000-£9000 Paid
Fire Official

Additional images upon application from Bone fide
Museums and G.D.B. registered collectors.
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