
N.P.E.A.’s Are Amongst the rarest of German Daggers . GermanDaggerBuyers.com specialize in the buying of dress daggers and all other historic war souvenirs.

At germandaggerbuyers..com we believe that provenance is an important issue for collectors and Museums investing in German Daggers and other historic military artefacts .

Routinely we undertake in depth academic research before a German Dagger is offered to a collector or public institution for acquisition.

This practice allows us to provide the most complete provenance possible enabling those investing in German Daggers to proceed with confidence.

Our aim has always been to establish a reputation for providing detailed physical descriptions to those investing in German Daggers.

Years of experience and consultation with colleagues who are authorities in their field allows us to provide documents of guaranteed authenticity .

We have been called upon by such establishments as Auction Houses to provide them with our opinion and as much technical information as possible before they present an object for sale.

We work with investors to establish their collecting goals and discuss individual guidelines. In addition, we advise clients in the maintenance of their collections in regards to conservation matters, mounting, installation, and display.

For the above reasons our offerings are priced well above those seen for sale on the multitude of internet sites. The one stop service for those investing in German Daggers allows the judgement to fall at our feet thus saving time and dissapointments . 
If you are selling items retrieved from the battlefields of Europe by family members at the end of the second world war we can and will pay you considerably more than internet speculators.

Because we are buying from your family history, genuine items that have not been contaminated by restoration by a succession of dealers and ill informed custodians.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com specialize in the buying of dress daggers and all other historic war souvenirs.

Most weapons and WW2 German memorabilia have been banned from the major internet auction sites.
You may be comforted to know that GermanDaggerBuyers.com buy exclusively for a vetted circle of responsible academic collectors, museums and historians.

GermanDaggerBuyers.com never condones or promotes the Nazis or any other hate groups!
We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this dark era only has validity within an educational context.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com buys directly from you, therefore you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the pie.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com considers that the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.
Our Payment Policy is straightforward:
You receive immediate payment for your items in full. We pay any duty on goods arriving from outside the Country.

Dagger Types
Dagger Types
SA 1933 EM(Value Down)
Average condition U.S $550 U.K £375 Investment Grade examples up to $800 U.K. £580

Teno EM Hewer Value
V.G. £1,475 $2000
Fine.£2000 $3000


Teno Officer +
SA Honor +
SA High Leader
Hunting Official –
SA Rohm EM –
Rifle Association
SA Rohm Chained
Hitler Youth Knife
feldenhaller +(Value Up)

Hitler Youth Leader
NSKK 1933 EM(Value Down)
NSKK 1936 Chained Dagger –
Land Customs +
NSKK High Leader +
Sea Customs +
£5,500 shown on the right hand side
SS 33 EM Dagger+
Water Protection
SS 1936 Chained Dagger
Imperial Navy
SS High Leader –
Up £950 $1600

SS Honor +
NPEA student
Luftwaffe 1(Value Hovering)
NPEA Leader
Luftwaffe 2 -(Value Down)
NPEA Chained
Navy 1
Navy 2(Value Down)
Postal protection-
Army Dagger -(Value Down)
Army Engraved Dagger +
DRK /Social Welfare Leader
£1,200 Shown on the left hand side
DLV knife –
RLB EM 1st model
DLV/Luft1 transitional+
RLB EM 2nd model
NSFK knife
RLB Officer 1st model
NSFK Dagger

£225 $300 
1st Railway-

Government Official
2nd Railway –
h£6,000-£9000 Paid
Fire Official
(Established 2008)
Welcome to our website.
German Helmet Buyers.com is a purchasing department of,
“The Arundel Military Antiques Collection”
We are long term investors looking to expand our inventory.providing a first class service for those investing in German Daggers.
Genuine WW2 veterans and their
families are invited to
collect 30% above the best
price obtained from independant
Advertisers in the USA.
“The Arundel Military Antiques Collection”
Is always looking to buy.
We have operated as “Militaria Specialists” from our
prime location for twenty years .
Our collection is enjoyed by
thousands of visitors each year.
The collection is housed in a
nineteenth warehouse next to another major
tourist attraction.
We Issue Payments in advance the money
will be shown in your “Paypal” today
(alternative payment systems are avalable)
wheather you are now ready to sell or just require a free offer.
We invite you to email some images or a list, together with any questions .
If you have already obtained independent offers,
simply add 30 % to the highest bid to arrive at your price.
This we will pay in total for all required items!
Yours sincerely
David Mattey (Buyer)
Welcome to German Helmet Buyers.com.
German Helmet Buyers.com is part of the buying stratergy of
“The Arundel Military Antiques Collection”
The collection is housed in museum cabinets in our high street store.
Admission is free of charge,all profits are derived from sale and exchange of exhibits.
Sellers to us from the U.S.A.Canada and Australia receive full payment in advance before they are required to ship items.
We are looking to buy Museum grade exhibits.
We pay a minimum of $1000 for grade A WW2 German Combat helmets.
We are currently Paying $3000+ for examples from the SS.
$7000 is now paid for German Paratrooper helmets.
Third Reich memorabilia is banned from sale on the major internet auction site Ebay.
we never condone or promotes the Nazis or any other hate groups! We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this dark era is only valid within an educational context.
germanhelmetbuyers.com buys directly from Collectors, Veterans and their families who will avoid giving auctioneers a slice of the pie.
Do you have a WW2 Helmet that you are wishing to sell?
German HelmetsWanted.com buy WW2 helmets from every nation. If you would like a free valuation to find out what your helmet is worth? We are happy to be of service.
Just fill out the form in the next collumm or send us an e-mail with a few photos of your WW2 Hemet to bunnter@hotmail.co.uk we will tell you what the current value is and what a dealer a collector or a long term investment group are willing to pay you. We buy from hundreds of dealers and collectors worldwide including the major advertisers on the internet today .Because we buy for long term investment groups the purchase price is less crytical for us. Before you accept what you are told is a ” fair price” for your Military Helmet obtain a second opinion, Whether selling one German Helmet or an entire collection of WW2 Military Collectibles, German helmets wanted.com would like the opportunity to make you the most competative obligation free offer!.
.germanhelmetbuyers.com considers the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be offensive.
Payment Policy
Sellers who have a “Paypal” account receive immediate pre-payment for the purchase of items. Additionally all shipping /postal costs are paid by us.If you would prefer to speak to us directly rather than to communicate via email we are quite happy to negotiate by telephone.Our office is open 10am-5pm GMT every day.0044 (0)7860747027.If you live within range please come and visit us.GHB.com’s services are confidential.We are happy to make purchases regardless of distance for entire collections or single pieces.
We offer a legal selling option for those of you living within areas of the European Union where the open trading in such artefacts is forbidden.
The U.S.A provides us with 70%-80 % of our exhibits.



Dear David,
Thank you for the payment. I am pleased that you liked the daggers. As for the trust, after our frequent emails I felt that you an honest man, and I see my opinion was well founded. Would you like to see photos of the swords and the Hitler Youth dagger? Those and the other items I have mentioned before are still available. Sincerely, Jerry
Thank you for taking the time to learn what we can offer to you.
Unlike auctioneers and web based dealers we are not just wholesalers or middlemen.
We host a permanent military exhibition one which is enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year.
If we believe that an item or a collection will enhance our display we will pay accordingly.
We frequently outbid the collecting community to secure exhibits that attract and entertain visitors.
We are not always looking for a quick return on our invested money ours is a lifelong project.
David Mattey





Investing in german daggers

Most weapons and WW2 German memorabilia have been banned from the major internet auction sites.
You may be comforted to know that GermanDaggerBuyers.com buy exclusively for a vetted circle of responsible academic collectors, museums and historians.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com never condones or promotes the Nazis or any other hate groups!
We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this dark era only has validity within an educational context.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com buys directly from you, therefore you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the pie.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com considers that the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.
Our Payment Policy is straightforward:
You receive immediate payment for your items in full. We pay any duty on goods arriving from outside the Country.

Dagger Types
Dagger Types
SA 1933 EM(Value Down)
Average condition U.S $550 U.K £375 Investment Grade examples up to $800 U.K. £580

Teno EM Hewer Value
V.G. £1,475 $2000
Fine.£2000 $3000


Teno Officer +
SA Honor +
SA High Leader
Hunting Official –
SA Rohm EM –
Rifle Association
SA Rohm Chained
Hitler Youth Knife
feldenhaller +(Value Up)

Hitler Youth Leader
NSKK 1933 EM(Value Down)
NSKK 1936 Chained Dagger –
Land Customs +
NSKK High Leader +
Sea Customs +
£5,500 shown on the right hand side
SS 33 EM Dagger+
Water Protection
SS 1936 Chained Dagger
Imperial Navy
SS High Leader –
Up £950 $1600

SS Honor +
NPEA student
Luftwaffe 1(Value Hovering)
NPEA Leader
Luftwaffe 2 -(Value Down)
NPEA Chained
Navy 1
Navy 2(Value Down)
Postal protection-
Army Dagger -(Value Down)
Army Engraved Dagger +
DRK /Social Welfare Leader
£1,200 Shown on the left hand side
DLV knife –
RLB EM 1st model
DLV/Luft1 transitional+
RLB EM 2nd model
NSFK knife
RLB Officer 1st model
NSFK Dagger

£225 $300 
1st Railway-

Government Official
2nd Railway –
h£6,000-£9000 Paid
Fire Official
(Established 2008)
Welcome to our website.
German Helmet Buyers.com is a purchasing department of,
“The Arundel Military Antiques Collection”
We are long term investors looking to expand our inventory.
Genuine WW2 veterans and their
families are invited to
collect 30% above the best
price obtained from independant
Advertisers in the USA.
“The Arundel Military Antiques Collection”
Is always looking to buy.
We have operated as “Militaria Specialists” from our
prime location for twenty years .
Our collection is enjoyed by
thousands of visitors each year.
The collection is housed in a
nineteenth warehouse next to another major
tourist attraction.
We Issue Payments in advance the money
will be shown in your “Paypal” today
(alternative payment systems are avalable)
wheather you are now ready to sell or just require a free offer.
We invite you to email some images or a list, together with any questions .
If you have already obtained independent offers,
simply add 30 % to the highest bid to arrive at your price.
This we will pay in total for all required items!
Yours sincerely
David Mattey (Buyer)
Welcome to German Helmet Buyers.com.
German Helmet Buyers.com is part of the buying stratergy of
“The Arundel Military Antiques Collection”
The collection is housed in museum cabinets on the first floor of Arundel Antiques Market.
Admission is free of charge,all profits are derived from sale and exchange of exhibits.
Sellers to us from the U.S.A.Canada and Australia receive full payment in advance before they are required to ship items.
We are looking to buy Museum grade exhibits.
We pay a minimum of $1000 for grade A WW2 German Combat helmets.
We are currently Paying $3000+ for examples from the SS.
$7000 is now paid for German Paratrooper helmets.
Third Reich memorabilia is banned from sale on the major internet auction site Ebay.
www.germanhelmetbuyers.com never condones or promotes the Nazis or any other hate groups! We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this dark era is only valid within an educational context.
germanhelmetbuyers.com buys directly from Collectors, Veterans and their families who will avoid giving auctioneers a slice of the pie.
Do you have a WW2 Helmet that you are wishing to sell?
German HelmetsWanted.com buy WW2 helmets from every nation. If you would like a free valuation to find out what your helmet is worth? We are happy to be of service.
Just fill out the form in the next collumm or send us an e-mail with a few photos of your WW2 Hemet to bunnter@hotmail.co.uk we will tell you what the current value is and what a dealer a collector or a long term investment group are willing to pay you. We buy from hundreds of dealers and collectors worldwide including the major advertisers on the internet today .Because we buy for long term investment groups the purchase price is less crytical for us. Before you accept what you are told is a ” fair price” for your Military Helmet obtain a second opinion, Whether selling one German Helmet or an entire collection of WW2 Military Collectibles, German helmets wanted.com would like the opportunity to make you the most competative obligation free offer!.
.germanhelmetbuyers.com considers the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be offensive.
Payment Policy
Sellers who have a “Paypal” account receive immediate pre-payment for the purchase of items. Additionally all shipping /postal costs are paid by us.If you would prefer to speak to us directly rather than to communicate via email we are quite happy to negotiate by telephone.Our office is open 10am-5pm GMT every day.0044 (0)7860747027.If you live within range please come and visit us.GHB.com’s services are confidential.We are happy to make purchases regardless of distance for entire collections or single pieces.
We offer a legal selling option for those of you living within areas of the European Union where the open trading in such artefacts is forbidden.
The U.S.A provides us with 70%-80 % of our exhibits.


Dear David,
Thank you for the payment. I am pleased that you liked the daggers. As for the trust, after our frequent emails I felt that you an honest man, and I see my opinion was well founded. Would you like to see photos of the swords and the Hitler Youth dagger? Those and the other items I have mentioned before are still available. Sincerely, Jerry
Thank you for taking the time to learn what we can offer to you.
Unlike auctioneers and web based dealers we are not just wholesalers or middlemen.
We host a permanent military exhibition one which is enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year.
If we believe that an item or a collection will enhance our display we will pay accordingly.
We frequently outbid the collecting community to secure exhibits that attract and entertain visitors.
We are not always looking for a quick return on our invested money ours is a lifelong project.
David Mattey